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Expert Clinic: Aidan Moesby

Disability and Digital Curation

Service Description

✅ Disability and Digital Curation | Curator and artist Aidan Moesby The talk by Aidan Moesby explores the issues around disability and digital curation. This will particularly address digital exhibition making and how to make it accessible and inclusive reflecting on how some created digital spaces merely transfer ableism from the physical to the digital space. Using examples from his own practice Moesby will reflect on processes and practices of creating and curating exhibitions and the accompanying public programmes through a disability lens. Finally the conversation will be opened up to reflect upon the increasing use of technologies such as AI and Machine Learning within cultural institutions and how this can contribute to the erasure of marginalised narratives and representation. This talk will be followed by questions and answer where we can dive deeper into the subject. Recommended Reading 🔘 ep. 8 Disability and…Curation with Aidan Moesby and Jennifer Gilbert - Podcast: - Transcript: 🔘 Curated Conversation: Interrogating the (in)visibility of disabled artists - Youtube: 📣 TinyverseXSensefield Reading Group 📣 FULL PROGRAMME -- ✅ 當身心障礙遇上數位策展 | 策展人、藝術家艾登·莫斯比 ✅ 在您眾多的觀展經驗中,是否曾看過身障藝術家的作品?當您看到那件作品時,它是在怎樣的空間中,用什麼方式被展示的呢?您是否認識幾位身障藝術家?是否曾參觀過身障藝術家的工作室?當您身處於大型展覽場域中,是否曾想過空間中的動線規劃、燈光、作品說明甚至是陳列高度等等,是否傳達給大眾「歡迎所有人」的訊息?如果將場景切換成數位藝術,甚至是在網路的虛擬空間中,展覽是否依然歡迎所有人?是否仍然具備無障礙和包容性? 艾登・莫斯比(Aidan Moesby)將在這場講座中探討身障與數位策展的相關議題,包括數位展覽的製作和如何使其具備「無障礙性」和「包容性」。艾登將分享自己的親身經驗,從身障者的視角反思在一些數位空間中所發生的「身障歧視」,以及這些歧視是如何從實體空間轉移到數位空間的。最後,講座將探討當人工智慧和機器學習成為文化機構的主流技術時,非主流的敘事手法如何被忽視和邊緣化。 推薦閱讀 🔘 ep. 8 Disability and…Curation with Aidan Moesby and Jennifer Gilbert - Podcast: - 中英文翻譯的逐字稿: 🔘 Curated Conversation: Interrogating the (in)visibility of disabled artists - Youtube: 📣 活動將以英語進行,並提供中文同步口譯。 ✅ 艾登·莫斯比(Aidan Moesby)是一位身兼藝術家、策展人和作家的創作者。他透過有趣、具人性深度討論的作品,探索公民和個人福祉。他特別關注藝術、科技和福祉的交會處,並以社會參與的形式實踐,廣泛地在藝術和健康領域耕耘。他的作品不僅出現在正式的藝術機構,也可能存在於非正式的場所,包括殘障藝術和主流表現。他的作品形式包括但不限於文字、裝置、公共干預、影片、聲音、雕塑和表演。他所有的作品都有一個公開的活動計畫,包括講座和討論會。 📣 微米宇宙 x 感野讀書會群組 📣 FULL PROGRAMME | 感野節目單

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