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4/4 Art Workshop: Lee Tzu-Tung

Constructing an economic system for identities

Service Description

The workshop explores ways to build an economic system for identities. Tzu Tung will introduce the production process of Positive Coin. Later she would introduce two stories about identity and economics. Then, Tzu Tung will ask the audience to create economic cycle diagrams by themselves and explore how people with different social values can provide for each other's needs. In the process, we also guide the audience on how to conduct relating survey through questionnaires. We will discuss the scientific effectiveness, narrative, and guidance components in a questionnaire survey. Tzu Tung looks forward to working with audiences and exploring the construction of economic systems with various identities. 📝 Before attending the workshop, please prepare: 1. Please prepare an "identity" for yourself, such as being a Taiwanese, a software engineer who supports open source, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or a first-generation college student in your family. 2. Describe your economic behaviors under this identity in a paragraph. For example, as a Taiwanese, I can easily access and enjoy various types of street food such as braised pork rice, oyster omelet, and bubble tea in my daily life. As a software engineer who supports open source, I use open-source software to complete my projects and actively participate in open-source communities to share my work. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I tend to allocate a portion of my financial resources to support LGBTQ+ related activities and organizations when I make purchases. As a first-generation college student in my family who left my hometown to study in the city, I spend most of my monthly expenses on transportation and food, so I try to be mindful of different ways to save money. 📣 FULL PROGRAMME 📣 TinyverseXSensefield Reading Group --- 在這個工作坊中,我們將探討如何為身份認同建構經濟系統。藝術家將在工作坊中介紹《帕斯提貨幣》的製作過程,並分享兩個與「經濟」和「認同」相關的小故事。接著,邀請大家繪製自己的經濟循環圖,討論不同社會價值的人,如何相互提供彼此的需求。 過程中藝術家也會說明如何透過問卷的形式進行相關的調查。我們將會討論問卷的科學效力,它是如何透過敘事來引導受訪者的。 非常期待與您一同探索如何為不同的身份認同建構經濟系統。 📝 參加工作坊前請準備: 1. 請準備一個自己的「身分」。例如:台灣人、支持開源的工程師、同志、家族第一代大學生⋯ 2. 用一段話描述自己在這個身分下出現的經濟行為。例如: 身為「台灣人」我在日常很容易取得滷肉飯、蚵仔煎和珍珠奶茶等食物。 身為「支持開源理念的工程師」我使用開源軟件完成專案,同時參與開源社群分享工作成果。 身為「同志」我在消費時更傾向投入部分財力在同志相關活動和組織。 身為「家族第一代大學生」因為離鄉在都市租屋上學,我每個月大半花費都用在交通和食物上,我在意各種省錢的方法。 📣 FULL PROGRAMME | 感野節目單 📣 微米宇宙X感野讀書會群組

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